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Selectmen's Minutes - January 9, 1995
             Minutes of Selectmen - January 9, 1995
Posted - Hanover Town Hall re: DEP and the Rockland Landfill

Present: Hanson: Judith Murdoch, Acting Chair; Catherine
Kuchinski, Charles Flynn and Peter Jones. DEP: George Crombie,
Brian Donahue, Christopher Tilden, Bob Johnson, Dave Ellis.
Rockland: Selectmen Pam Murphy and John Ward with Paul Reddish,
Clerk of the Works for the landfill.  Host - Hanover Board of
Selectmen: Robert White, Chair; Robert Nyman and Al Cavenaugh.

I. Opening: Mr. White opened the meeting at 7:40pm and asked Mr.
Crombie to speak on the status of the Rockland Landfill.  Crombie
reviewed the Consent Order signed by Rockland in October, 1994
and then listed the points laid out in the January, 1995
Amendment to the signed Consent Order.  DEP noted both documents
signed by the Rockland Selectmen and Rockland's Board of Health.
Crombie stated that the conditions laid out already are the same
unless specifically amended in this subsequent document (ACO)
which addresses issues identified by DEP as still needing work.
Crombie noted his position that DEP represents all Mass. citizens
and treatment of all concerns would be even-handed and firm.  All
citizen input appreciated.

DEP is uncomfortable with the drainage / runoff occurring.  The
ACO calls for significant improvement measures.  Permanent
drainage plans must be submitted to DEP by February 6, 1995.  The
work then must be completed by July 1, 1995.  The landfill has
had its authorized tonnage intake reduced to 25 Tons per day with
a date of July 1, 1995 to cease taking solid waste.  The ACO
capping plan is scheduled to have 80% of the capping completed by
July 1, 1995 with remaining to be done by October 1, 1995.

     Chris Tilden reviewed the original ACO for these points
outstanding as of December 1994: operational - inactive areas
closed per capping procedures and active landfill areas have been
graded, covered and sloped.  Tilden also stated that surrounding
communities gained by this ACO's accelerated closure pace.  His
feeling was the sooner the capping the less leakage from the
landfill; wetlands - filling (refuse, clay) moved out, further
restoration due for Spring 1995, and noted that run-off control
for quality and impact was an integral part of the ACO. He also
noted that monitoring wells have been installed; compliance - DEP
will carefully monitor the site on a weekly basis if necessary;
Rockland on notice that proper plans required for all work
phases; alternative solid waste plan - Rockland indicated to him
there was a signed agreement with SEMASS effective July 1, 1995.

    Donahue noted that Chris Tilden and Bob Fagan would make a
site inspection on January 10, 1995 to review the siltation and
erosion devices.  They look to have a plan for short term
measures developed to prevent further site erosion.  Donahue also
said Rockland's intake is a 25 ton net limit.  DEP will review
all receipts weekly for compliance.

and Rockland for accelerated capping as a step in the right
direction.  She requested information on the availability of the
monitoring well reports. (DEP will send copies of all reports to
each Town for easier access by neighbors.)  Rick Gilbody wanted
to know if the ACO addressed the landfill height problem and what
would happen 2/6/95 if ACO not in compliance.  (DEP noted the
power to issue penalties and fines as well as other means
including the closing of the area and pulling all permits.)  Tom
Jordan asked what test of accuracy DEP staff would use for the
submitted plans.  (DEP noted previous problems with the plans
submitted and stated that patience is at an end.)  Kevin (501
King Street) asked about the filing for expansion. (DEP noted
Rockland's right to submit such a plan and DEP's obligation to
review the plan.  Cavenaugh offered Hanover's DPW is willingness
to assist Rockland by accepting limited amounts of refuse.  He
suggested the area Boards of Health meet to find joint solutions.
Brian (Old Forge Road) asked that monitoring be strong.  Dan
Palotta (Old Forge) was told the Landfill is currently above the
height limit in the areas of MNOP, but in light of the ACO, DEP
would not be looking to issue immediate closure notice. He voiced
problems with Board of Health treatment of citizens looking for
input and lack of information provided on monitoring reports.
Zimmer asked Rockland if a lined landfill has been ruled out for
this site.  Answer was no.  DEP was asked for approval rate to
which the response was a high approval rate given.  DEP stressed
the significant MEPA review process which certainly allows for
public input.  Gerald DelPrete, Chairman of Rockland Conservation
Commission cited his experience in capping other landfills and
stated that Rockland was committed to cleaning up the site.
Richard Lynch noted abutters still continuing to work with
Rockland.  He was told that no change in Rockland leadership
would affect the ACO.  DEP informed citizens that the monitoring
wells were installed in December, 1994 and the first round of
reports would be out within one month.  Rockland told citizens
that Rockland has entered into an emergency agreement with Saugus
Disposal until 6/30/95 and that the Town is currently seeking a
15 to 20 year agreement with SEMASS and hoped to have a deal
finalized shortly. Rockland's Executive Secretary, Kevin Donovan,
informed the group that there were monies in bond account
sufficient to take care of the project and the Selectmen had the
authority to execute the ACO.  Ken Evans (King Street) asked if a
Transfer station was in the future.  The response was that all
options remained open.  Roger (Briarwood) was told that 25 tons
would be limit with no commercial refuse accepted. This limit
would be down from the usual 35 40 ton with 50 max.  Murdoch
asked for another meeting for public to monitor situation and
Kuchinski asked for scheduling to include a MEPA representative.

III. Adjournment: Murdoch adjourned the meeting 8:50pm with no
other business discussed.